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Printer HP Laserjet P1006 or other Printer

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:04 pm
by ilovebeijer
Hi all,
I want to connect T7E ( T7A) to HP Printer Laserjet P1006 with USB port, but I can not connect them. So Does T7E support HP Printer??
I want to print screen to Printer.

Re: Printer HP Laserjet P1006 or other Printer

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:25 am
by wlederer
I had similar task last year. No success, because, the solution Beijer offer assumes the old printer language PCL5. PH don't use it anymore. Though, in manual for the printer used was stated, that it understand PCL5 as well, I could not get it running. PH experts did not help as well. They answer was: "This operating system is not supported".

Re: Printer HP Laserjet P1006 or other Printer

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:32 am
by wlederer
But, for old printers designed for PCL5, it should be no problems. Never tested myself.
Please, inform about results.

Re: Printer HP Laserjet P1006 or other Printer

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:18 pm
by stuartm
wlederer is right.

You will have to talk to your sales rep and complain. Complaining on this forum will not help. When I speak to product management, I get the "sorry, we are listening, but not really." When a Sales Rep cries to product management, they say, "when do you need it by?"

I'm afraid, its all politics. So complain to your Sales Rep. They are resilient and used to it.

Best of Luck,