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VNC Refresh Rates for X2

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:49 pm
by d_reibelt

Observing very slow refresh rates for VNC connections to X2Pro 15" Screens

Seems to be 1 second or more to update display.

- Tried various vnc clients on different platforms and networks, all very similar response

Anyone know of any tips to improve this. I should mention that my projects are featuring high level of tags, but the screens themselves operate flawlessly, it is just VNC that has performance issues.

Re: VNC Refresh Rates for X2

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:24 pm
by Chris T.
Hi d_reibelt,
I know it has been quite a while since your post. Depending on how many tags you are using and what poll interval this could be causing your slow response. A 1 second delay is pretty significant. We could look this over with you if needed at well feel free to give us a call or email us at