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Event handler on ReportPrinted

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:32 am
by G.Schadegg
I've got an issue with Event Handler on ReportPrinted.
I start to print the report :

Then I'd like to get the event when the report has been printed out.
I could use Globals.Report.Report_to_print.ReportPrinted event but I don't understand where I can find the method on which to subscribe.
public delegate bool Mydelegate();
Mydelegate dReportPrinted = new Mydelegate( Method to subscribe);


Public subscribe method;

I know this is a basic question but if I don't have an answer on it I would never understand how to find this method and the others like OnChange and so on.

Thanks for your answer.

R&D Engineer Electronic

Re: Event handler on ReportPrinted

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:19 am
by G.Schadegg
Hello and happy new year.

Problem is solved... thanks for your help.