
Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:45 am


Post by Stefan »


Is it possible to make a diagram using two analog inputs? I want to log them and use analog value 1 on the x-axel and analog value 2 on the y-axel and then draw a diagram.

Thanks for all the help I can get.

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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Diagram

Post by mark.monroe »

I have attached an example project that uses two AnalogNumeric Boxes to change the X and Y axis values of a chart. You can associate the X and Y values with a Datalogger and then log the data as well.

If you want to read old data from the datalogger and graph that data, you will need to query the datalogger using SQL. There is a forum post topic called "Datalogger?" that details how to do that. Once you have the data from the datalogger you just need to assign it to the X and Y array tags that your chart is associated with.
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Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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