CompactLogix driver

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CompactLogix driver

Post by KevinA. »

Can u add the compactlogix driver in the list of drivers? Or is there any other one that would the same and that is already in the list?

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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: CompactLogix driver

Post by mark.monroe »

The Ethernet ControlLogix driver can be used for the CompactLogix PLCs as well. From the driver help file:

"Allen-Bradley ControlLogix

This manual describes how to connect the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Ethernet controllers to the driver, and how they communicate via the TCP/IP-CIP protocol.

The driver can be used with the ControlLogix and CompactLogix controllers.

For information about the controller we refer to the manual for the current system."
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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