Database locations

Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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Database locations

Post by smolenak »


I'm just wondering if there is any possibility to change application *.sdf path locations, so that we could keep application databases in the totally different hard drive or CF/SD card. So writable data (alarm data, data loggers, Audit trails, volatile values and so on..) could not brick the main app drive (CF card,SD card,HDD..) due to constant writing. Then we could still control the line, while other drive goes dead.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Database locations

Post by mark.monroe »

There is no way to redirect where the HMI looks for the database.sdf file. Everything is set to look for the database.sdf file in the default location and there is no way to change where the HMI looks for it.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:06 am

Re: Database locations

Post by smolenak »

Would be very important feature in the next release(s) of iX. Then we could separate the logged values (databases) to separate media/drive/CF and also we could protect the main application drive better from the failure. CF/SF-cards are not so durable for constant writing, and failures cost always time & money..

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