Blue Screen after standy when Ix developer installed

Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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Blue Screen after standy when Ix developer installed

Post by sledford »

With iX Developer installed, frequently (at least) when I bring my Dell Precision M6300 laptop out of standby, I get a blue screen and auto-reboot. Windows XP SP 3 reports a problem with a device driver.

"You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused Windows to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer."

This has repeated several times; after I uninstall iX, I don't get any blue screens. I just re-installed it today, and I got a blue screen the first time out of standby.

Has anyone else seen this?

Is there a list of drivers that might be installed with iX that I could remove one by one to see where the problem is?


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Re: Blue Screen after standy when Ix developer installed

Post by mark.monroe »

Are you sure you have enough RAM on your system to run iX Developer? Are you using the latest iX 2.0 SP1 version?
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Mark Monroe

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Re: Blue Screen after standy when Ix developer installed

Post by chichirider »

I had a similar blue screen problem but it happened when I moved any components on the screen with ix dev v2 installed on win xp pro. I updated the video driver on my PC same it sorted it.

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