Enable user to change password without login screen

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Enable user to change password without login screen

Post by BobLivingston »

Is it possible to directly show the change password dialog via a button?

I don't want to use the "Users dialog" since it exposes more than I want configurable (such as which groups users belong to).

Bob Livingston
Sr Controls Engineer
FlexEnergy Energy Systems
30 New Hampshire Ave
Portsmouth, NH 03801

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Ron L.
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Re: Enable user to change password without login screen

Post by Ron L. »

Unfortunately the "change password dialog " is not accessible by script in
iX Developer. The dialogs the user has access to is "Login" and "ShowUsersDialog".
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I can understand why you don't want to use the "Users dialog", but there is a password can be changed from the "Login" dialog?

This will prevent the security groups and user info to be exposed.
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Best Regards,

Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer

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