Converting a project to an exe. file

Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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Converting a project to an exe. file

Post by jesperbak.villadsen »


I have previously found iX projects which you are able to open and run directly in a simulating window.

iX program is not opening and the project "Demo" is and .exe file.

Does anyone have a method of doing this?

I am currently on iX 2.0

Best regards,


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Re: Converting a project to an exe. file

Post by mark.monroe »

If you do not have iX Dev installed on your computer, then you need to have the Runtime installed. If you do not have either, then your iX program will not open on your PC. The iX Runtime is not free, you have to purchase a license for it.

Also, your project needs to be targeting a HMI that is PC based. Projects that target TxC or the PC should run on a PC when you double click on the exe file.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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