Recommended Install Order iX and Visual Studio

Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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Recommended Install Order iX and Visual Studio

Post by okiefolk »

Should I install iX first or Visual Studio? Also, I have a choice to run either Visual Studio 2008, 2010 or 2013. Any recommendations?

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Re: Recommended Install Order iX and Visual Studio

Post by asccloutier »

I'm not going to claim much knowledge on the topic, but I do know that iX requires VisualStudio 2008. I installed 2013 express and it wouldn't work. I did manage to track down 2008 but then got on to other stuff and never went back and got it working.

I wouldn't think that the order would matter but I have no evidence either way.

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