Radio Buttons

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Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:40 pm

Radio Buttons

Post by TechHandicapped »

Hi All,

I would like to use have two separate groups of radio buttons on one screen. Each group will linked to a different tag. Is it possible to do this with out scripting? If no, can I use copy the example from the help file and substitute my tag name in place of Tag1 and just do this twice, one for each group?
Thanks in advance

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Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:10 pm

Re: Radio Buttons

Post by AMitchneck »

You can create a button with Multi Picture (I used the attached images with "Make Transparent" selected, button's Picture margin being (2,2,2,2), and alignment left, center on standard button). When configuring pictures, set the "checked"
checkbox-checked.png (1.2 KiB) Viewed 6508 times
image to be displayed when tag value is for that button, otherwise show the "unchecked"
checkbox-unchecked.png (806 Bytes) Viewed 6508 times
image. Under action, have clicking the button set tag value to value for that button.
You now have a set of radio buttons without scripting. (You can use the same approach with action set to toggle tag to make check boxes.)
Adam M.
Controls Engineer

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