Fruit calibrator using PLC and HMI with IX Develope software

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Fruit calibrator using PLC and HMI with IX Develope software

Post by aperez »

Hi everyone,

My company is working in a project where the main purpose is change computer system for HMI Beijer system.

We have used Beijer in other machines but in this case is quite different because in others cases was only replace analogic buttons for screens meanwhile in this case we have to replace a computer program for a Beijer´s screen.

The reason of this post is show us the questions that came to my mind and decide if it is possible to solve them using Beijer´s screens. We really appreciate your help.

1. Dynamic data table : in the program we can see the dinamic weight of ladles but we don´t know how to do in IX.

2. Create database of all products : in the program you can save all registers e.g (name of products) and look it them from a list. I though this would be possible with "container list" but we need the registers of what we write in the field "analogic button".

3. We have already done a database in the program but it´s in .SQL instead of .SDF maybe we will create a new one.

Have the enclosure zip including some screenshots of our computer program.

Best Regards
Screenshots Calibrator
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Russ C.
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Re: Fruit calibrator using PLC and HMI with IX Develope soft

Post by Russ C. »


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