Runtime 2.15.5751 compatibility with 2.30.24

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Runtime 2.15.5751 compatibility with 2.30.24

Post by andrea »

Good morning,

I know and tested the installation of the two version of Developer on same pc for developing projects.

I ask you if same compatibility will be valid for installing and having both version of runtime on same target industrial pc (Windows 7).

We have a lot of projects for a lot of customers developed and with runtime 2.15.5751 (2.1 SP2) and should test in next machine the migration to last version 2.3 SP2 so we would like to have both versions active ready to be started (only one at a time running).

Thank you


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Russ C.
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Re: Runtime 2.15.5751 compatibility with 2.30.24

Post by Russ C. »

Hi Andrea,

You should be able to install different versions of the run time and run one at a time. If that doesn't you could try installing the different versions of iX Developer and the license their run times.

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