T4a recipe

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T4a recipe

Post by Adrian »

I've converted an old e410 project to T4a and I'm stuck with a couple of things.
1. The e410 had an Ascii box that displayed the recipe name in use.
2. The e410 recipe could be remotely changed from I/0 on the plc or a network signal through the PLC etc.

How can i get these to work on the t4a???

please speak in plain english, I'm only pretending to be a controls expert, I prefer mechanical things!!


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Re: T4a recipe

Post by Derkins.Goblertroter »

Hello there,

There is a special System Tag ( Tags -> Add tag -> System Tag ) which directly displays the recipe name when attached to a Label or AnalogNumeric element set to string on a screen.

As for the remote change of the recipe, im not certain what you mean? This part will require a Script to be written.

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Re: T4a recipe

Post by Koehler »

Hi Derkins, have there been any reported issues with the special System Tag? I tried doing what you suggest but it still didn't display the recipe name.

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Re: T4a recipe

Post by Adrian »

Thanks for the reply, that's sorted the current recipe display...cheers.
When we used the E410 HMI's the recipe could be remotely changed from the PLC, I cannot see how to do this with the IX screen???

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Re: T4a recipe

Post by Derkins.Goblertroter »

To change the recipe using screen and touch input:

Create a button. Go to properties and in the action tab select Recipe -> Load recipe.

When you press the button in runtime, a window will pop-out where you'll be able to select what recipe to load.

In addition you can also directly attach a recipe to a button and skip the selection.

To change the recipe using some PLC input :

Write a script and add an event

Code: Select all

void Script1_Created(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	Globals.Tags.recipeTag.ValueChange += RecipeSelection;

Code: Select all

private void RecipeSelection(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		case 1:
		case 2:

I would advise you to go through Beijers' iX developer video course and refer to the manuals in the future.

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