How to change the language of an error message

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How to change the language of an error message

Post by mael »

Hello everyone,

As indicated in the title of my post, I do not know how to change the language of an error message (and its contents if possible)

Thank you in advance for your answers!

(PS: I'm French, to send this message I use Sorry for my English)

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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: How to change the language of an error message

Post by mark.monroe »

Such messages are broken up into their individual lines. So in you case each item is a line:

"Input value is out of range."
"Value must be between {0} and {1}"

You must translate all of those into the language you want by using the Multiple Languages function of iX developer. You can look at the manual on how to go about doing that. You just need to add "Languages" to your project using the language tab on the below screenshot and then select what language you want to use at runtime.
Snap 2012-07-18 at 08.33.50.jpg
Snap 2012-07-18 at 08.33.50.jpg (51.49 KiB) Viewed 6574 times
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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