Ackowledge last alarm when using AE instead of DA

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Ackowledge last alarm when using AE instead of DA

Post by Mattias »

I have found answere here in the forum for acknowledge last alarm when using DA. But how can I acknowledge only the last alarm when using AE?
The function to acknowledge selected alarms from AlarmViewer exists so there have to be a script command which can acknowledge a specific alarm even when using AE.

E.g. Globals.AlarmServer.Acknowledge(); Will Acknowledge all alarms, is there a corresponding function for ackowledge a specific alarm?

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Re: Ackowledge last alarm when using AE instead of DA

Post by Mattias »

I resolved it myself:
It's possible to do like this:
string newString = ListView.Items[IndexString].SubItems[6].Text;
Guid newGuid = new Guid(newString);
IAlarmServer TestServ = Globals.AlarmServer;

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