Visibility issues

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Visibility issues

Post by daoa80 »


The issue that I'm having is the following:

1. 2 buttons (visible and notVisible)
2. A Tag named ON&OFF with Data Type INT16
3. An image

4. The image Visibility (under Dynamics) is using the ON&OFF Tag with value
1, which in this case makes my image NOT VISIBLE.

5. For button VISIBLE under the CLICK action, I'm setting the Controller to
SET ANALOG, selecting the ON&OFF Tag, and given the value 0, which it
makes my image VISIBLE

6. For button NOT VISIBLE under the CLICK action, I'm setting the Controller
to SET ANALOG, selecting the ON&OFF Tag, and given the value 1, which
it makes my image NOT VISIBLE

This is the way I did the excersice when targeting the project as a PC and it worked; for some reason it does not work when targeting the project under QTERM-A12.

Any ideas?

Posts: 824
Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Visibility issues

Post by mark.monroe »

If you convert your project back to the PC, does it start to work again?

ON&OFF is not a valid tag name, so I assume your using a different name in the tag viewer.

It works on my machine. Do you have this tag writing to a Controller address? Maybe the controller you are using is overwriting the tag value.

Can you associate an AnalogNumericBox with the tag and verify its value?
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

Posts: 44
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:50 am

Re: Visibility issues

Post by daoa80 »

Hi Mark

1. I should not write ON&OFF as a name for my example, and yes I was using
another name.

2. I did not understand the part on converting the project back to PC. Is there any way that if you have a project that was done targeting a PC to convert it to a different target such as QTERM12? How would I do that?

3. I tried what you suggested me and it works for an individual component such as the image, but what about if you have 4 buttons in an GROUP?

4. On the SCRIPT window for the click event of any button can you just
Group1.Visible = true;
Group2.Visible = false;

Finally, my goal is to have 2 individual buttons on the left and 2 sets of 4 buttons in a group on the right, so when you click on the 1st button on the left the 1st group on the right is going to be visible and the 2nd not visible and eventually the same thing when pressing the 2nd button on the left.

Thanks for all your advices,

Posts: 824
Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Visibility issues

Post by mark.monroe »

You just need to change the target panel back to PC. The conversion is done for you.
Snap 2012-08-10 at 10.55.08.jpg
Snap 2012-08-10 at 10.55.08.jpg (50.72 KiB) Viewed 9074 times
You have to be careful when you use groups. It is best not to, but rather hide or show the buttons individually based on the same tag. There is a bug in the group dynamic visibility setting that will be fixed in the next iX release. It can cause an issue when groups are used and you are trying to show one group of objects and hide another group of objects using the same tag.

If you do use groups, make sure that you do not have one of the grouped items be visible while the others are supposed to be hidden. That will not work because individual objects in the group can not behave differently than the group as a whole.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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