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analog numeric limits question

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:26 pm
by rkoski
Sorry for the 'newbie' questions...

I have an analog numeric object linked to a tag. I want the limits to be from 0.1 - 9.9. The tag has an initial value of 1. Object DisplayFormat is 'decimal', LimitNumberOfCharacters is checked, MaxNumberOfCharacters = 3(do I need a character for the decimal point?), MaxValue = 9.9, MinValue = 0.1, NumberOfDecimals = 1, ValidateValueOnInput is checked.

On simulation, the object shows the initial value of my tag "1.0", great. If I change the value with a whole number, say "6", the display changes to "6.0", great. If I change the value with "6,3", I get the error "input string was not in a correct format". Am I missing something basic here?


Re: analog numeric limits question

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:33 pm
by rkoski
one more thing, the tag is a FLOAT type...

Re: analog numeric limits question

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:35 am
by mark.monroe
I can not reproduce your problem. You may want to PM me your project along with what analog numeric box is causing you the issue.