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Disable Security for Screen Changes
Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:58 pm
by thebigdbpsu
I have a few screens and a "Motor Stop" button on a screen that I would like to be able to be accessed regardless of whether someone is logged in or not. Is it possible to somehow disable security for certain actions such as "Next Screen" and such?
Re: Disable Security for Screen Changes
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 8:20 am
by mark.monroe
You always have to enable security on a screen component. By default it is accessible to everyone. Which means that someone must have enable security on the "Next screen" button you are using. If you right click on the component, you can change the security settings.
Re: Disable Security for Screen Changes
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:23 am
by thebigdbpsu
Would it be possible to script an auto-login to a basic account (e.g. Operator) when the system boots?
Re: Disable Security for Screen Changes
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:33 am
by mark.monroe
You can look at this
post and it has an example project on how to script your own security dialog box. That has code that would allow you to create an auto-login via script.