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Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:32 am
by tonverra
Hi all,

Trying to make a chart, similar to a diagram in e-designer. I use a Siemens PLC and have 6 values for my X (db44.dbw6-16) and 6 values for my Y (db44.dbw18-28).

I initialized two arrays, INT16[6] from dbw6 and dbw18 and used these in my chart. I have values in the array, but nothing is showing up in my chart.. Is there anything I am doing wrong?

Re: Chart

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:13 am
by mark.monroe
Have you associated the curves with your arrays? I would also verify that you have values in your arrays and they are within the range of your min/max axis values. There is no known issues with the chart object in iX. I have used it with success in the past.

Re: Chart

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:34 pm
by tonverra
I got it to work. I don't know how: I flipped the axis, which worked, and then flipped them back.

Thank you!