Delete database and read external memory

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Delete database and read external memory

Post by automatix »

Hello to our forum.
I have a data logging with ix T4A which is store automatic every 8 hours to
an external 8gb ssd my logs to csv format.
My first problem is that i dont know how delete the internal stored database.I dont know if i must delete the file "database" or must do something else.
My second problem is that i need to have a numeric in my main menu,to read the external memory and know how much used and free memory i have.
I didnt find a system tag for that purpose.
Thank you very much.

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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Delete database and read external memory

Post by mark.monroe »

You can use SQL to delete the rows in the database after you export them to your USB stick. Here is a forum post that contains a script that shows you how to run a SQL statement against the database.

Here is a forum post on some C# code that you can use to get the space of the USB drive.

You can use the Process.Start("Explorer.exe", "") C# function to start a Windows Explorer and look at the unit's file system.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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