Problem adding third party controls

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Problem adding third party controls

Post by philip.joebstl »

Hi there,

I'm trying to use custom controls for TxA and -B series targets. There are plenty of nice controls like here:

So I downloaded the trial and added some controls to the iX Developer (V2.0 SP1).

But when I add the controls to a page, their just white, and when i want to delete them freom page, the iX Developer is crashing. Do I have to import some .dlls or something? I added the controls via "Add Control -> Default Controls".

Thx for the help
Best regards,
Philip Joebstl

Posts: 824
Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:53 am

Re: Problem adding third party controls

Post by mark.monroe »

Do you know what version of .NET CF they are using? We use .NET CF 3.5. iX Dev also uses some Resco controls natively. If the controls you have installed are of a different version, there could be a conflict. Do you get any errors when you compile your project in iX Dev with the Resco controls that you have added? What are those errors.
Best Regards,
Mark Monroe

Beijer Electronics, Inc. | Applications Engineer

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