Screens missing after update to 2.10

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Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by BPJ »

I've updated IX developer to ver. 2.10.
When i open my older projekts created with 2.0 i get several empty screens with a red mark in upper left corner, saing: "B3" or; "This screen could not be opened. The original screen was saved with the .bak extension in the project directory. The original file can be used to manually restore this screen"

It's always the Startup screen that disappers and sometimes other screens
How can i restore the screens?
Rigt now i cannot open any projekts since ix destroys them.

Hope you have ansever

Bendt P. Johansen

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Re: Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by jcjelektro »


I tryed to update my program, but it can't find a newer update?
Where do you get the program update from?
If you downloaded from is it only a demo.? Maybee it makes the difference?
Emil Gundersen

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Re: Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by BPJ »

Hej Emil.
Jeg har fået en download kode fra dem, men den giver de vist ikke ud igen lige med det samme.
Ver 2.10 sletter tilsyneladende alle startup skærme + andre skærme.
De arbejder på højtryk for at finde fejlen.
Opdateringen kan ikke køre parallelt med ver. 2.0 så lige nu er jeg låst imellem 2 versioner. kan ikke åbne gamle projekter og kan ikke downgrade da jeg sidder med en sag der er konverteret til den nye version, og skal starte op i morgen.

@ sorry for the Danish.
The 2.10 version came from Beijer denmark, it seems like i was the first to try it out, unlucky for me... :(
Bendt P. Johansen

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Vandteknik ApS
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Re: Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by Edmund »

I have been trying 2.10 for a couple of days (in real applications at custumers, PC targets 1500-2500 tags, 10-15 pages) but I havent seen this problem at all after conversion of projects to 2.10.

The only issue I have had was that I was not able to assing the value 0 to a SetAnalog Function connected to a Button Click Event...
Edmund Andersson


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Re: Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by BPJ »

This is applications on TX15c and Tx21c
Bendt P. Johansen

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Re: Screens missing after update to 2.10

Post by jcjelektro »

Hmm.. That's why i can't get the code... ;)
I talked with "support" yesterday, and he told me that i will get the code today.... So there is a small hope that they have fixed the problem.

Luckily i have made a backup of all my projects now, after reading your story....
I have a project running on a IPC, with 9 PLC's and over 2500 Tags. I don't want to destroy that now....
Emil Gundersen

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