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Serious error in iX Developer 2.10.1042

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:59 am
by passivey

I am getting this serious error message and then an IDE crash.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling iX developer several times as Administrator. Also I uninstalled the .NET compact frameworks before starting fresh installation but still the error pops up and IDE crashes whenever opening an existing project or creating new one.

The crash happens when IDE is in process of "Generation of tags" or similiar

iX Dev 2.0 SP1 used to work fine.
I'm Running it on Win7 x64 SP1


Re: Serious error in iX Developer 2.10.1042

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:48 pm
by Josh B.
We understand that this is a very old post. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690. Thank you.