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DB reporting - AlarmServer

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:46 am
by smolenak

I have tried to make database reports.
SQL(General; select * from AlarmServer)

But it doesn't generate report file nor give any error.
What is the correct syntax to do this?

This works ok (AuditTrail database).
SQL(AuditTrail; select * from AuditLog)

So how can I get alarms (history) printed to Excel with DB query?
I would really appreciate, if there is solution for this!


Re: DB reporting - AlarmServer

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:18 pm
by Chris T.

I will give it a shot on my end but if This works "SQL(AuditTrail; select * from AuditLog)"

"SQL(Database; select * from AlarmServer)"

Should work.