Multiple language - export/import

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Multiple language - export/import

Post by mwilk »

I have a problem importing a translated text file.

1) I added a new language (Index 1, Use Runtime).
2) I went to the Texts tab and exported a Text file, with the language box checked.
3) Translated the texts from English into other language.
4) Imported the file.

When I did this, all the English texts were overwritten, and the new language column is blank.

I think I did not format the text file properly, but I can't find documentation on how to format it.

Export the file - the text file has this format (one line, for example):
Screen1.Button2.Text,"Set Defaults",

After translation:
Screen1.Button2.Text,"xxx xxxx",

After import the English column for that text value shows "xxx xxxx" and the new language column is blank.

Did I format the translated text properly?

Should it be:
Screen1.Button2.Text,"xxx xxxx",

Screen1.Button2.Text,"Set Defaults", "xxx xxxx",

Screen1.Button2.Text,, "xxx xxxx",

or something else?

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Russ C.
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Re: Multiple language - export/import

Post by Russ C. »


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