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Using WatchDog timer to handle infinite buzzer conditions.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:31 am
by Sheetal

I have been working on an application that generates alarms for specific conditions. We use the
[DllImport("BeHwApi.dll", EntryPoint="SetBuzzer")]
public static extern bool SetBuzzer() API.

Recently we have encountered a problem where alarm is triggered with no alarm condition. In short, it goes into an infinite alarm buzzer mode.
So we are trying to add a WatchDog timer to moniotor such a situation and switch off the buzzer when there is no alarm condition.

Is there any provision for the same?

Re: Using WatchDog timer to handle infinite buzzer condition

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 1:57 pm
by Russ C.

We understand that this is a very old post. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690.

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