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Text Printing

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:37 am
by umesh.patil

I want to print text to USB printer. I am able to print the text but I can not change Font of Text is printing. how to set the printing text font.

Software V - 1.31
Panel - T10A

can any body tell me when is Ix 1.32 is lounching???

Umesh Patil

Re: Text Printing

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:31 am
by wlederer
Dear Umesh, what a printer do You use?
regards, Waldemar

Re: Text Printing

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:38 pm
by mark.monroe
Hi Umesh,

You can change the size of the font, but there is no way to change the font. The size can be changed in the printer settings dialog box where you select what kind of printer you want to use.

Re: Text Printing

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:07 pm
by umesh.patil
thanks for your rply.

Printer is Hp Deskjet 5550.

Problem is that it is changing the font each time I print. Suppose I have Courier New font for Listbox and Thoma font for Button some time it takes courier new or Thoma.

Can I know how to add Headder and Footer for pages.

Re: Text Printing

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:41 am
by mark.monroe
Hi Umesh,

Are you talking about the printing of the alarms? It sounds like you are talking about printing screenshots of the HMI screens as you can not print list boxes through the "Alarm Distributor". If that is the case, how those screenshots are printed is up to the printer you are using.

When you setup up which printer to print to, there is a set of markup tags that you can use to define what and where you want different alarm values to be placed on a page. However, there is no way to create a header or footer.