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Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:55 am
by Claus Nielsen
Just a few thoughts after adding a lot of tags manually. (Excel Export -> Import)

For years has Object Oriented Programming been a commonly used programming practice, and this has ofcourse found it's way to the industrial world aswell, by adding UDT's (User Defined Data Types) etc., to most PLC's.

While struggeling with larger projects these data types helps a lot in making program documentation easy, and reuse of code. They even helps creating the graphical interface faster (or atleast they should), which adds up to my actual question, why is this not possible in iX??!?

With reuseable faceplates for valves, motors, etc. using 50 - 100 tags, a user defined structure could really reduce my programming time if I didn't have to add each tag manually.

I like almost everything else in iX, good work, but this problem might be the reason I won't use it again in larger projects.

Re: Structs????

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:44 pm
by BenediktB
I agree completly with you. I also would like to see a function to define objects which can be connected to a plc struct. This would safe a lot of engineering time.

Re: Structs????

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:06 am
by Claus Nielsen
Yes, and maybe even make it possible to save a "Group" as an object referenced by "Instance" making it a lot easier to use these structs aswell.

Re: Structs????

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:27 am
by jydepower
Check out alias.
The setup is very cumbersome(like many other things in IX), but it works.