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Accessing bits in popup tags using aliases

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:46 am
by Vilohemmet
Is it possible to read bits in an integer tag via alias in a popup window to be used for dynamics? This seems to be possible when you access tags directly from "the tag list" and using an expression. But the expression button isn't available when I choose an alias tag instead of a real tag from the tag list.

How is with actions? Is it possible to set a bit in a tag using expressions in some way? I can't seem to find where in the action tab it's possible?

Re: Accessing bits in popup tags using aliases

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:04 am
by KurtBanta
The mikroC PRO for 8051 lets in you to get entry to individual bits of 8-bit variables. It also supports sbit and bit information types.

Lets use the Enable All Interrupts Bit (EA) for example. This bit is defined within the definition file of the precise MCU as :

const sign up unsigned quick int EA = 7;
sbit EA_bit at IE.B7;
To get entry to this bit on your code through its name, you can write some thing like this:

// Clear Enable All Interrupts Bit
IE.EA = zero;

In this way, if EA bit modifications its position inside the sign in, you are certain that the correct bit might be affected.
But, if EA bit is not positioned inside the precise register, you could get errors.
Refer if anybody needs any kind of writing help.