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Alarm distributor: no +XX in front of SMS phone number

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:32 am
by JanIGL
Hi. :)

Im trying to use the SMS function with the alarm distributor, but i cant use the '+XX' in front of the phone number. I am using an Racom M!dge LTE router to send the SMS, and it will only accept '%2b', in the place of '+' in the URL :roll: (its using a CLI instruction to send SMS)

is there any way to write in phonenumbers in the adressbook without using the countrycode in front ( or rather the '+' sign)?

or maby some other solution? im blank here :shock:


Jan Inge

Re: Alarm distributor: no +XX in front of SMS phone number

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:31 pm
by Russ C.

There isn't currently a way to override the required "+xxxxxxxxxx" format for Telephone numbers in the Address book in iX.

That may be something you could configure on the Router side, replace "+" to %2b.
