snap and arrow keys on V2.30

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snap and arrow keys on V2.30

Post by ianrobo75 »

On iX Developer V2.30 i can move objects on screen with the arrow keys as normal but the snap is active which in many cases is really annoying. I'm sure in the previous version I could hold ALT and use the arrow keys to move objects ignoring the snap.

The workarounds are, 1 - hold ALT and move the object with the mouse (too imprecise), 2 - select the object and type in the new left/top coordinates
in the property grid (too time consuming).

Anyone know if the lack of ALT-arrow key functionality is a regression or whether there are any other key combinations that apply or ways to remove the snap?

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Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:33 pm

Re: snap and arrow keys on V2.30

Post by MatthewMunoz »

I don't know if this will help, but you can turn the snap off pretty easily. If you right-click on the background of a screen and select grid a dialog box will come up. On that box you can select how you want the snap to work (or not).



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