web browser

Discussion of application development using iX Developer, including but not limited to getting started, using the functions tab, properties, objects and installation.
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web browser

Post by tim.xu »


I am adding a web browser object in the iX developer for X2 marine 7. The web browser is able to open a local html file. But it cannot access any website. The panel is connect to the Ethernet and I am program the panel over the connection. How can I verify the panel has access to the internet and the setting for the web browser is correct?


Gabriel B.
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:19 am

Re: web browser

Post by Gabriel B. »

You will not be able to test with a website in simulation/run mode on your pc. You would need to test on the panel once it has been loaded. That should do the trick. If it doesn't please contact Beijer Support directly and we can get you up and going.

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