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How to use array tags for object properties?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:54 pm
by Sergei Troizky
I was planning to group object dynamic properties into an array tag.
However, as soon as a tag is made an array, it disappears from the dropdown selection list for object properties.
Am I doing something wrong?
Or, if they cannot be used in such way, what is the intended use of array tags?

Re: How to use array tags for object properties?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:30 pm
by Chris T.
Sergei Troizky,

The primary use for array tags in iX is for the Graph object. Arrays are an active area of improvement but currently are very limited in iX.

Re: How to use array tags for object properties?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:31 pm
by Russ C.
As Chris mentioned its arrays are being looked at for improvement and are currently limited so you can't assign array tags to objects on the screen to read/write values. But you can read/write values to the array tags using scripting with this format.

Example of writing to array tags:

Code: Select all

Tag1[0].Value = 12;
Tag1.Values[0].Value = 12;

Example of reading from array tags:

Code: Select all

Tag2.Value = Tag[0].Value;
Tag2.Value = Tag1.Values[0];