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VisualStudio 2017 Objects

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:59 am
by solmo

I'd like to develop my own Controls/Objects with VisualStudio and add it in my IX projects.

I did download the samples
and i ran the application but isn't that i need.

For example, i'd like to do a TextBox relationated with timer or status bar in VS and add this objects or forms in my HMI (X2 PRO)

Could somebody send me any guide or example..?


Re: VisualStudio 2017 Objects

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:24 pm
by Gabriel B.
What is your project's target? Trying to use VS 2017 on a target other than a PC you will run into errors. The reason for that is; iX projects targeted to panels uses/supports .NET framework 3.5 CE. If there is a specific library that you are trying to access, you can check to see if it is included with the 3.5 framework.

Re: VisualStudio 2017 Objects

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:21 am
by solmo
Hi Grabiel,

I'd like to add button vinculated with a textbox that i created and developed with .Net in VS2017.
I only have to generate this project with ".Net 3.5 CE"??

And later, how I should have to publicate this object?

Thanks in advance!

Re: VisualStudio 2017 Objects

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:02 am
by AMitchneck
I don't know if this will help, but I made a dll for a T7A panel a few years ago. To do this I needed to install visual studio 2008 which supported .NET 3.5 CF. I just configured the project's framework to 3.5 and set the target to Windows CE and it compiled and ran on the panel without issue.