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What is the difference between Enabled and Read Only?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:40 am
by Sergei Troizky
What is the difference between Enabled and Read Only properties of AnalogNumeric object?
It seems that disabled and read only have the same effect.
If so, is the effect of the mentioned properties different on any other object type?

Re: What is the difference between Enabled and Read Only?

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:48 am
by AMitchneck
Enabled enables/disables the user to interact with the control while ReadOnly enables/disables the user from editing the contents of the control. In terms of the user changing the text/contents, setting either to false will disable the user from making any edits. On the other hand, setting Enable to false will also disable user from selecting/interacting with the control which includes mouse movement, clicking, etc.