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Saved Recipe during runtime VS saved recipes in design

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:02 am
by Pete_ix1
Hello everybody,

I'm currently developing an application that uses several recipes type (Recipe1, Recipe2,etc..) and its needed to create during the runtime new recipes that the user save with RecipeX.SaveRecipe.

Later I need to see all the recipes for each type, so I use the RecipeX.FieldNames which should show all of them.

However, what the list I got only shows the recipes that have been stored during the design and none of the created dinamically during the runtime are listed.

Is there anyway to list all the new recipes created without having to use the RecipeX.LoadRecipe? I don't need the load dialog, only need to list/show these recipes.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Saved Recipe during runtime VS saved recipes in design

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:57 pm
by Russ C.
How are you using RecipeX.FieldNames specifically?