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Setup multiple display for iX project/s
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:16 am
by giateam
I would like to create an iX project and install it on a PC connected to 2 displays where the second display is configured as the extended desktop of the first one.
My target is to create 2 projects which are indipendent where the first one is shown on the first display and the other is shown on the second display.
Is there a way to create a project with a screen which is shown on the second display instead of to the first display? In that case, is it possible to run 2 iX projects in the same computer? How many runtime-licenses would I need?
Hope you can help me
Re: Setup multiple display for iX project/s
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:12 pm
by mark.monroe
Hi giateam,
Currently iX Developer does not allow you to run multiple runtime instances on the same PC. It maybe possible to add that capability in the future. Do you know how many units you are thinking of purchasing? We have not had very many requests for that and we maybe able to add that to the software if the demand for that feature was high enough.
Right now you would have to use the web server in iX Developer to serve up the webpages to a web browser that is displayed in the second monitor. The number of concurrent users of the webserver is set at 2, but that is going to be changed in an upcoming release to 10 or more depending on what hardware the iX runtime is running on.
Re: Setup multiple display for iX project/s
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:39 am
by fsturlese
Hi Mark,
part of this subject was already discussed in the post "How to start a new application from the current one".
Both "ric" and "giateam" are working on similar issues in two companies that are sharing some development on iX. I can summarize the requests as follows:
1. Have two iX istances running in the same pc. Our projects take typically 30-50 pages for the user application and 20-40 pages for the online diagnostics. The diagnostics is always the same for all projects, and it would be very helpful and time-saving to compile this part as a separate iX project to be launched within the main iX application.
2. Multi-monitor capability. When a pc has multiple graphic adapters available, it would be very useful to add the default monitor on which a screen should show. This is a feature already present in some SCADA (e.g., Movicon), however it could even be done through option 1 above.
As for quantity, our companies together may move more than 100 licenses per year. You may contact EFA Italy for further details.