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Cursor show tag value in curve of Trend Viewer

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:09 am
by papageorgakis
In runtime I would like when I point with the mouse cursor at the curve of a trend viewer to show me the value of the tag, like in BEViewer.
Is this possible?

P.S. BEViewer is very helpful and convenient with trends (except that there is no auto update), it will be very nice to add some of the BEViewer futures to ixRuntime trends.

Re: Cursor show tag value in curve of Trend Viewer

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:26 pm
by Chris T.

We could do this with the legend for the trend, but not a specific curve/pen. We could make the legend popup at the mouse location when the mouse enters the trend via script. However, it will display all pens.


Re: Cursor show tag value in curve of Trend Viewer

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:18 am
by papageorgakis
Hello Chris,

That’s ok with me, can you please post the script? I would like to try it.

Also I would like to ask if you have any script to configure manually the update time of a trend. (Now it depends from the time range).

Thanks in advance