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how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another tag

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:44 am
by yannick622
HI,I need your help to complete a program.
I need to retrieve a value from a tag at a T time that is constantly changing (Conso of the month).
this value goes back to zero every 1st of the month. I must therefore recover the max value of the month.
this value must be put in the Tag of the corresponding month (January, February, ...)
I tried with the scheduler to retrieve this value and put it in another tag (June), but the value is displayed at 1.
so I need your help to solve this problem, could you help me over it.

so How to pick a value a at T time in a tag and set this value in another Tag (june per example)?
this tag(june) is not used in a controller, it only used for display
thanks for your help

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:30 am
by Russ C.
I would use the SystemTagMonth and check the value changes on that one and your KWh tag. I would write something like this:

Code: Select all

void MyValue_ValueChange(System.Object sender, Core.Api.DataSource.ValueChangedEventArgs e)
			if(MyValue.Value > MonthMaxValue.Value)
				MonthMaxValue.Value = MyValue.Value;
		void SystemTagMonth_ValueChange(System.Object sender, Core.Api.DataSource.ValueChangedEventArgs e)
				//When the month value changes, set the highest value to the previous month max value
				case 1:
					DecMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 2:
					JanMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 3:
					FebMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 4:
					MarMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 5:
					AprMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 6:
					MayMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 7:
					JunMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 8:
					JulMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;					
				case 9:
					AugMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 10:
					SepMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 11:
					OctMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
				case 12:
					NovMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value;
			//Once the MonthMaxValue has been stored to the correct month, reset its value for the new month
			MonthMaxValue.Value = 0;

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:39 pm
by yannick622
Hi Mr Russ, thanks for your help.
i'm very beginner in script and trying to understand.

MyValue = that's the tag of my "conso mois"
and each DecMaxValue, JanMaxValue... refer to my tags december, janvier...

MonthMaxValue, Month is define by the systemTagMonth ?

so if i understand well, i have to rename my months tags with DecMaxValue, JanTagvalue.... or replace those words with the tags names of my choice in the script?

Do i have to create the tag "SystemTagMonth" in my tag list?

and last question, does the tag SystemTagWeek exist?

thanks a lot

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:00 pm
by yannick622
hi, i have a script error when i'm compil this one:
CS0103: le nom "MyValue" n'existe pas dans le contexte actuel.

sorry, but i'm really a beginner in script.


Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:40 pm
by Russ C.
Oh, sorry for the confusion, that script I provided should be placed on the Tags Script page. You have it on the ConsoAspiration script page.

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:49 pm
by Russ C.
Also once its on the Tags Script page, make sure you either name your tags the same as what is in the script or change the script to match your tags and you will need to hook up the event handlers for the SystemTagMonth_ValueChange and the MyValue_ValueChange. See below:
store-highest-montly-value.png (89.9 KiB) Viewed 13946 times

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:28 am
by yannick622
Hi, after some time to manipulate Ix developer, and made some change. the program seems to work fine.

finaly, my tag where the total power was stored, was never reset at the end of the month. so i created a new tag (IndexMonth) where i stored the Max value of the previous month and used this value to calculate the next month :

the script is like that:

case 1:
DecMaxValue.Value = MonthMaxValue.Value-IndexMonthMaxValue.Value;

But now i have an other problem, when i transfert the updated program or when i restart the panel, the month values and the index value are set to "0".

I don't understand why, i used the this parameters "int32", "non volatile"

could you explain me why this values are set to "0" each time i restart the panel
Maybe there is something to set or the script to change?

thanks for your help.

Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:23 am
by yannick622
Finally after a lot of test and change the month value stay at each program transfert.
all but not the previous month. i'm explain:

actually, i'm in the case 6 (june)
so with this code, when i transfert the program, i'have "0" in "Index Mois" and "Mai"
M34ConsoMai.Value = MonthMaxValueM34.Value-IndexPreviousMonthM34.Value;
IndexPreviousMonthM34.Value = MonthMaxValueM34.Value;

If i clear the second line (IndexPreviousMonthM34.Value = MonthMaxValueM34.Value)
i have "Index Moi" That stay at 8 and "Mai" that show "-8"


Re: how to retrieve a value in a tag and transfer in another

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:20 am
by yannick622
me again,

i manipulated a lot this weekend.

and now, it's seems to stay only one problem, when i transfert the program to the HMI, the program seems to consider that the month has changed and does the calculation of the previous month.
is it possible to tell the script to ignore the first month change?
