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Cognex Image Display

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:59 am
by CanadianAbroad
Hello everyone

I'm trying to display an image from a Cognex Camera on an X2 Extreme 12 without any luck.

I've seen all kinds of methods, but none seem to work:

Method 1: Buy and install Cognex VisionView CE.
This doesn't work with the current CE Version on the X2 Extreme

Method 2: Install the InSight Display Control and use that custom object
This doesn't work with the current CE Version on the X2 Extreme

Method 3: Use CognexUserControl.dll
From here: ... ontrol.pdf
I can't find this DLL anywhere, and I have to assume I'd run into the same issue as Methods 1 and 2 with this HMI.

Method 4: Use a PictureBox and Update the Image property.
A user on this forum (JohnCZ) posted on this a while ago using a T15B. However, the .Image property is not available on the Picture object and the project he uploaded when it converts tells you that the PictureBox is not a supported object anymore and it removes it.

I seem to run into brick walls every where I turn. I don't mind writing a script that will look at a timer and update the picture from an FTP location if that's what we have to do (it's not ideal, but it would work). But since I can't seem to get to the .Image object to be able to change it, I'm kind of stuck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Re: Cognex Image Display

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:48 am
by Jae V
We understand that this is a old post. That being said, we do have examples of setting up the Cognex camera viewer in iX. If there is anyone who needs help with setting up the Cognex viewer or similar issues and require assistance, please visit us at ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690. Thank you.