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Object browser and screen order

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:18 am
by motley

The help screen for the Object Browser says "Note that the top-to-bottom order in the object browser corresponds to the front-to-back order on the screen" This infers that the object at the top of the list (in this case an invisible button) would be at the front whereas in reality it seems to be the other way around. If I want the invisible button to work (i.e. it must be on the top) it has to be at the bottom of the list.

Also if I rename an object the new name doesn't appear in the Object Browser until I exit to another screen and return.

Best regards,


Re: Object browser and screen order

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:50 am
by mark.monroe
I do not believe that there intent with that line in the text file was to indicate the order of the objects on the screen. Only to indicate that the ordering can be found in the Object Browser.

There is a known bug that requires you to exit the screen and reopen it before the object names change.

Re: Object browser and screen order

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:52 am
by motley
Humm, that's not the way I read it.

Either way, perhaps the help document should do just that <help> rather than need the user to find out how things work by a process of experimentation.

I'm not trying to be negative but just setting out how it looks from this side :-)



btw changing the order of the objects updates the new name without having to exit the screen

Re: Object browser and screen order

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:33 am
by maumad
There is a known bug that requires you to exit the screen and reopen it before the object names change.
Hi, already in version 2.30 and this "BUG" still exists.
There is any ticket area for opened bugs and features requests?

Best regards

Mauro Madeira