SQL query commands

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SQL query commands

Post by jcjelektro »


Can you help me with some SQL query commands for the Report
I need a Query command for each month, Not just the actual month.
I have been using the commands from the Sample project, but i only get the actual month.
I need a schematic with all the months, or a page for each month.

This is the code for the actual month;

Code: Select all

SQL(General; Select CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(nvarchar(10), Time, 103),103) as Date, sum(El_forbrug_Hal123) as LogItem1, sum(El_forbrug_Hal19) as LogItem2, sum(El_forbrug_Hal20) as LogItem3, sum(El_forbrug_Hal22) as LogItem4, sum(El_forbrug_Hal23) as LogItem5, sum(El_forbrug_Hal24) as LogItem6, sum(El_forbrug_Hal25) as LogItem7 FROM Forbrug WHERE Time <=  GetDate() AND DatePart(mm,Time) = DatePart(mm,GetDate()) GROUP BY CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(nvarchar(10), Time, 103),103))
It's working fine.
Emil Gundersen

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Russ C.
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Re: SQL query commands

Post by Russ C. »


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