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Verifying storage 'Database'

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:52 pm
by Lukas0204

after restarting HMI, screen stuck in start-up screen saying 'Verifying storage 'Database''. Did someone have this situation and how to resolve it. (see attached picture)


Re: Verifying storage 'Database'

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:21 am
by prichlin
Hello Lukas0204,
Have you tried rebuilding the project (Project > Rebuild) before transferring to the panel? The Rebuild MAY clean up some of the database issues automatically for you.

Re: Verifying storage 'Database'

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:20 pm
by Lukas0204
prichlin wrote:Hello Lukas0204,
Have you tried rebuilding the project (Project > Rebuild) before transferring to the panel? The Rebuild MAY clean up some of the database issues automatically for you.

yes, each time before downloading, I rebuild the project.

Just to update situation:

Today I was on a site to see a problem and each time when I reset HMI (power cycle), HMI stayed for around 20 minutes in screen 'Verifying storage 'Database' before going in normal run. Than I made button 'Database Cleanup' and this solved a problem. Also, I saw in diagnostic that FlashDrive after Database cleanup was using only 1% of its memory. Before that was using 23% but it's hard to believe that could cause any kind of HMI overload?!

Also, to be more detailed:
- Datalogger contains 55 tags; log interval = 5 sec, max log rows: 1296000
- 42 screens
- HMI is in function for almost a year
- X2 PRO 12