Report in PDF format

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Report in PDF format

Post by Kardanas »


So I'm working on a task which involves automatic generation of detailed reports and then send the report through an email (X2 PRO 15). I managed to create an excel template that included headers, footers, charts and pictures along with the logged data. The generated excel file did the job according to my needs, but apparently reports in PDF format are very simplified (they include only the logged data). Is there any way to generate a more detailed PDF format report, without the need to manually transfer the generated excel file to a pc then convert the file to PDF format?

Thank you.

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Russ C.
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Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:32 pm

Re: Report in PDF format

Post by Russ C. »

It looks like headers and footers should be supported, but there are some limitations listed in the help file for the PDF conversion of reports:
report_limitations.png (32.78 KiB) Viewed 7973 times
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