Thank you for your response.
i will try to explain more the issue. I'm programming the Modbus Server in Borland Delphi, using a public dll named "Fieldtalk library". I used this library in another aplication with a Mitsubishi E1061, manufactured by Beijer... identical to Exter T60, and i have no problem with the address map.
Example in my application.... i use this procedure to poll some adresses of the panel....
Obviously, the modbus slave configuration in both panel is the same. (First holding register 40000, adressing 1-based, number of coils 4096)
Code: Select all
procedure TInfeedThread.Poll;
var string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6: string;
Case PollState of
0: SyncReadString ( 2045, 1, string1); //work fine
1: SyncReadString ( 2046, 1, string2); //work fine
2: SyncReadString ( 2047, 1, string3); //work fine
3: SyncReadString ( 2048, 1, string4); //CRASH!!
4: SyncReadString ( 2049, 1, string5); //CRASH!!
5: SyncReadString ( 2050, 1, string6); //CRASH!!
Else PollState := 0;
Inc( PollState );
If PollState > 5 then
PollState := 0;
I would change the five old E1061 with new T7A in a big factory, but this problem is very serious and now i don't have to do....
If you need more details please ask me.
Thank you for all Mark,
Best Regards,