I was wondering if it's possible to adjust the CPU clock on a Siemens PLC from an iX application?
In the Developer I see a dataype = DATETIME, but I'm not sure if this has the same/ correct syntax..
DATE_TIME function with Siemens PLC
Re: DATE_TIME function with Siemens PLC
The format of DATETIME is documented in section 4.14 of the iX Developer Reference Manual.
https://www.beijerelectronics.com/API/S ... 3D3C1751/1
It requires 7 "16-bit" words/registers on the PLC to store the DATETIME. This is not Siemens specific and may require some PLC logic to read those values and update it's clock.
https://www.beijerelectronics.com/API/S ... 3D3C1751/1
It requires 7 "16-bit" words/registers on the PLC to store the DATETIME. This is not Siemens specific and may require some PLC logic to read those values and update it's clock.
Best Regards,
Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer
Beijer Electronics, Inc.
Ron Lloyd | Applications Engineer
Re: DATE_TIME function with Siemens PLC
Thank you! Will try it!