Beckhoff ADS comm problem

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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Beckhoff ADS comm problem

Post by dotMCL »


I've been trying to get a T4A to communicate with a Beckhoff CX5020 PLC over AMS Ethernet. So after using the settings option in the iX Dev 2 sdk, the T4A gives the following messages:

Controller: Comm err station 0
Controller: Bad reply station 0

Is there any setting I am not aware of that I'm missing? The only address i'm unsure of is the HMI ADS NET ID (which i've set to either NetID of the PLC or ip address followed by .1.1 )

Any help is dearly appreciated.

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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:23 am

Re: Beckhoff ADS comm problem

Post by jmkowol »

Do you still have problems with the Beckhoff ADS connection. If yes post the controller settings in the forum and I maybe be able to help.
We do use this and similar PLC CX-5xxx, cx-9xxx and the communication works great.
You need not only set the HMI parameters in the iX developer but you have to activate a route for the iX display in the Beckhoff System Manager...
Just let me know....and we can go from there.

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