Pull groups and speed of communication

Discussion of configuring and troubleshooting communication to PLC's or other devices using iX Developer.
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Pull groups and speed of communication

Post by jydepower »


Im working on a project where i have to update data in a mysql database every 0,5s.

What i do is i set a tag in the plc to > 0, and do a value_change event check in IX. Which initiate the sql query. This works fine.

My problem is:
I have no sense on how often the tags are updated. When asking support Denmark 6 month ago. I was told that the pull groups did not actually work. That i should keep my tags "high" for at least 1s. When i asked what about the pull groups which goes down to 100ms, i was told that is was a bug, and i couldn't trust that.

My question is:
Is this "bug" true?
Is it still a "bug" after 2.2?
Anyone have any experience with this, and could shed some light on this subject?

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Jae V
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Re: Pull groups and speed of communication

Post by Jae V »

We understand that this is a very old post. As for the poll groups, they are reliable in the newer version of iX Developer, 2.40. If there is anyone who is still experiencing this or similar issues in more recent versions of iX and require assistance, please visit us at https://www.beijerelectronics.us/en-US/ ... ___support or give us call at 801.708.6690. Thank you.
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