Driver for General Device using MODBUS TCP

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Driver for General Device using MODBUS TCP

Post by johannesomni »


I'm using the iX T7A, and I am hoping to read variables on a meter device that has variable values stored at particular MODBUS addresses. I want to use MODBUS TCP with Ethernet to access these values with the HMI, and I am wondering if there is a particular driver I should use. (e.g. Modicon Modbus Master, Schneider Electric Modbus, or WAGO Modbus TCP)

The meter is not manufactured by any of those companies, but I'm assuming I can still use an available driver to read values from Modbus addresses. I'm wondering which is the most general-purpose driver.


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Russ C.
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Re: Driver for General Device using MODBUS TCP

Post by Russ C. »

iX Developer has a generic modbus driver under the Modicon option in the Driver list
modicon-modbus_controllers.png (43.72 KiB) Viewed 4817 times
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